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The Pick-Up Game

A short story about a group of friends waiting for a basketball court who devise a plan involving a local barber, Grandma Rose, which not only resolves their dilemma but also supports a sense of community and gratitude.

The Pick Up Game

During the mid-90s, Kendrick and his friends had a special tradition: pickup basketball every Friday. But, almost every week, they faced the same problem. They'd arrive at the court, only to find it taken by a group whose game seemed endless.


One Friday, As Kendrick and his friends waited on the side-lines, listening to the sounds of sneakers scuffing against the blue floor, Kendrick came up with an idea.


"Hey, Tyrell," Kendrick said, nudging his friend. "I've got an idea."

Tyrell arched an eyebrow. "What's that?"


"Grandma Rose," Kendrick began, pointing across the street to the old brick building with a weathered sign reading 'Rose's Barbershop'. "She owes me a favour. Maybe we could cash in."


Tyrell's confusion was palpable. "How's that gonna help us get on the court?"


"Think about it," Kendrick explained, his excitement mounting. "We tell those guys, that if they let us play for an hour on Friday nights, they get free haircuts from Grandma Rose."


A smile formed on Tyrell's face. "Man that is a good idea! She does do some wicked fades."


"We get to play, they get fresh cuts," Kendrick said, grinning at the simplicity of it all.


"And… we don't need to trade our Jordans for court time," Tyrell said with a grin, "we get to keep our Jordans."

"We get to keep our Jordans," Kendrick repeated with pride.


Their conversation was muffled by the occasional cheers from the crowd watching from the other side of the fence. Kendrick glanced across the way, through the chain-link fence separating them from Grandma Rose. Through the store-front window, Grandma Rose stood there, sharing humble laughter with her customers as she worked her magic with her scissors.

There was a sense of comfort in the sight, a reminder of the tight-knit community that surrounded them. And as Kendrick watched Grandma Rose do her thing, he felt a wave of gratitude for this simple moment.

A short story 

by Tea Charlton

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